Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hand on Face revival

This photo blog has rested on a few select themes. A prominent one recently has been different forms of street art, creative forms of decorating an otherwise decaying, bleak city, whose color comes more from obnoxious publicity that art. These photos have been my tribute to this art form and their artists.
Another theme, not so developed lately, has been photos of people touching their faces (or heads) with their hands somehow. Some years back I started noticing the frequency of such photos in the newspapers and became intrigued. I also found them extremely expressive. I then became amazed by the number of different forms humans have of touching our heads, and how each conveys some sort of significance. So I started collecting. I collected dozens before the digital age, so many of the are still in the form of newspaper clippings. I just found several logged within a large atlas, which prompted me to scan a few and continue with this theme that fascinates me. This one in particular, of a baby sucking his hand, certainly holds keys as to the significance of touching our faces: a primal form of self soothing .

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