Saturday, September 04, 2004

Protests in the RNC hall during Bush speech

Just more than 40 minutes into Bush's speech of longer than an hour, CODEPINK's June Brashares, 40,jumped on the chair, yelling 'BUSH LIES, PEOPLE DIE,' and holding up her homemade banner. She was hustled off the convention floor by security. Later, another Code Pink activist, Jodie Evans, 49, of Los Angeles, stood up in a seat under the Fox News skybox and pulled off her dress, exposing her pink lingerie with a hand-written message: "Fire Bush - Women say bring the troops home now." The crowd around her began the "four more years" chant and security dragged her out.

"This is the third day in a row that Code Pink has penetrated the convention," said Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink. "My question to President Bush is, if he can't secure his own convention, how can they bring security to their own nation?''

A protest sign was held up behind U.S. President George W. Bush as he delivered his speech to the delegation. The protester was removed from the convention hall by authorities. (Rick Wilking/Reuters)

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